Vinfen’s Clubhouse 2422 is a psychosocial and vocational program focused on rehabilitation services for adults with إصابات الدماغ. 

Supports provided by the clubhouse are voluntary and member driven. Our goal is to assist members to increase community integration and build interpersonal relationships and meaningful work.  

At the clubhouse, members participate in all essential program functions and operations and are empowered to fully achieve their maximum level of independence. Individuals attending the program must have a referral from the لجنة إعادة التأهيل ماساتشوستس (MRC) أو أن تكون مؤهلاً لبرنامج الإعفاء من ABI أو MFP. 

If you have any questions about Clubhouse 2422, please contact us at [email protected] أو 617-616-2422.
