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Welcome to the 4Th annual Artistic and Literary Contest winner section for the people Vinfen serves. This year, we received over 65 submissions and each one captured the individual’s creative spirit. We invite you to view the artistic and literary winning works below. Congratulations to everyone who participated!
You say you know
what is best
for me.
I say i know
what is best
for me.
We cannot
come together
and agree
what is best
for me.
Each time
you try,
you try to explain.
Each time
i try,
i try to explain.
We cannot
come together
as the pain
darkens our vision
and all is in vain.
Precious Memory
Precious is the memory
The day you joined my family
A love I never thought could be
Revealed to me that day
Perfection truly at its best
Awaiting only tenderness
Quite possibly a sweet caress
This love was meant to be
Tiny fingers, skin so fair
Without a flaw, without a care
With whom my love I want to share
For all eternity
May I not forget this day
When troubles and trials come our way
Reflecting only what you see
May you only learn and grow through me
Little baby, wondrous child
It’s my responsibility
That one day you will see in me
A precious memory
Dear my Gemini Air,
We transcend and surpass the physical, that literally we are two candles united as one. When we are near, our magnetic love is so strong that it makes others feel this powerful bond in their hearts. When you touch me spiritually, emotionally, and physically, I feel my heart beating so strongly. When our eyes meet, we actually meet with our souls. You force me to face my fears but also to unite with my divine sweet spot. Your voice makes my trauma disappear. When you look at me, I feel I met myself of the first time. You empty me of all sicknesses. Your touch goes so deep into me, that I recognize I am okay in your arms, in your breath, in our veins, and in our spirit. When we unite, I can do the impossible.
Oh, how heaven feels when we touch. I am no longer fragile. We love so effortlessly. When two hearts collide, twin flames become. When I move, you move. When I fall, you fall. Even if heaven falls from the sky, I’ll be safe in your heart. All I truly know is being one with you.
With divine love,
Josesph Marchitto
“Coming Together”
I am the bone brittle and easily broken
without your sinews to protect me
you come to me depleted
like air to my heart
I rejuvenate you with each beat
And you leave my chambers refreshed
we are like neurons sparking together across the brain
I am the rock on the shore
and your waves wear me smooth over the years
you are the spark of lightning in a dry forest
brushing your tendrils of flame up my mountains
we are the force of the earthquake
rattling and shaking the foundations of everything we touch
I am the shadow
full of dust and neglect
you are the sun
exposing me in full bloom
we come together
and recede apart.
We are not: inferior, malcontents, criminals or outlaws. We are you! We are your family, friends, neighbors and in some cases, your coworkers & we deserve to be treated as such. We have the same hopes, dreams and aspirations as anyone else in spite of our trials. We believe we should have the same rights, also.
The right to be heard, acknowledged, loved and also valued as part of the human family. I have witnessed great strides in society when it comes to the mental health community but as in all cases we all (being part of the human family) know we still have quite a long way to go in regard to respect, protection, privacy and basic human dignity. I can go on and on about the positives but as far as the negatives I can go on and on too for I have witnessed countless situations in the lives of others as well as myself that would make you as part of the human family, cringe of the grave disregard for others.
Do not fear us nor limit us because we are so much more than our labels or our histories. We are kind, resourceful, forgiving and we have a sense of humor. And dare I tell you… also very talented. In that spirit, I am going to share with you what I wrote about following the death of actor Robin Williams that was published in the Webster House Newsletter (in Brookline and now in Roslindale, MA) some years ago for Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. It was called, “What Dreams May Come.”
What Dreams May Come
With the death of actor Robin Williams a lot of memories came back from his great acting career. “Mork from Ork” starred in a lot films. Among my favorites were the typical like: Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society and The Fisher King. But tops in my book was “What Dreams May Come” which (I believe) might become one of those cult classics since the film deals with art, life, family, and death while also including heaven and hell so much that ultimately played out in Williams’ personal life as well. Most of all, What Dreams May Come is a love story about soul mates as Williams’ character descends into the depths of hell to rescue his wife (who ends her life tragically because of the total loss of her entire family). When all seems lost, he utters what his wife recognizes as the ultimate testimony of his love for her and perhaps one of those iconic quotes in the film, “I’d rather live with you in hell than without you in heaven.” And shortly after that scene they ascend into eternal bliss. May Williams now be at peace with himself, basking in eternal light that seemingly eluded him (at times) during life that ultimately claimed his life.
During one stint at a psychiatric hospital a while back I gazed at the wall in the music room. On it were all these famous people who identified themselves or were viewed as having mental health issues. The overwhelming number of them (in the 80-95% range but I can’t recollect exactly) were artists of some sort like painters, writers, actors, musicians and what have you. They say (though I can’t verify it, scientifically speaking) that the artisan brain is even wired differently than that of people in other fields. Many will agree that their art is “an extension of themselves that they want to share with world.” Sensitive creatures they are even though to the world they may convey a totally different image especially when they are in the grip of self-doubt, addiction, depression or whatever personal demons they may be dealing with at the time and the way they seemingly choose to cope.
We have many artists and others in the mental health community that may be dealing with horde of issues (as well possess a lot of talent) struggling at times (whether here or there or most of the time) with things that the outside world might not quite understand. Even though there is a lot more knowledge about mental illness than in years past we can still be stigmatized by those that have never experience the illness like we have or just in a sense we can be categorized as being “them.” Williams’ death casts a beacon of light on an otherwise sensitive topic that will prompt many to “dialogue” and yet more importantly, call some to “action.” All I can say to people (as (well as myself) is to hold your head high and “keep plugging.” You never know what dreams may come out of our creative toils and perseverance as we valiantly try to break the bondage of these chains of affliction.
Kindly remember, we are you…*
*Playlist and Movie Lists:
Playlist: “Come Together” by Third Day,” One Love” by Bob Marley “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M., “Amazing” by Aerosmith, “Under Pressure” by David Bowie & Queen, “1800-273-8255” by Logic, Alessia Cara & Khalid, “People Get Ready” by Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions, “Scars To Your Beautiful” by Alessia Cara
Movie List: A Beautiful Mind; The Fisher King; Girl, Interrupted; Good Will Hunting
People care
People you know
The people who love
The people who will never truly leave your side
They stand up for you
You stand by them
They understand you
This is your family
A group of people whoever they are
Deep down they care for you
And love you

First Place: Joan McAveeney

Second Place: Caitlyn Crosby

Third Place: Claude Jean Louis

First Place: Matthew Treggiari

Second Place: Nina Aronson

Third Place: Elizabeth Pykosz
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