The Restoration Center’s mission is to offer police and other emergency responders with a place to bring persons suffering from acute behavioral health crises, while serving as a “front-door” for individuals to receive both urgent care and connections to further services across the care continuum that promote recovery.
950 ផ្លូវ Cambridge
Cambridge, Massachusetts ០២១៤១
ឥតគិតថ្លៃ៖ ៨៧៧-២៨៤-៦៣៣៦
ក្នុងស្រុក៖ ៦១៧-៤៤១-១៨០០
ទូរសារ៖ ៦១៧-៤៤១-១៨៥៨
TTY/TDD៖ 617-225-2000
អ៊ីមែល៖ [email protected]