Join Vinfen to advocate on behalf of the people we serve, their families, and our hardworking, dedicated staff.

Advocacy is about educating and influencing policy makers at both the state and federal levels who determine policy and make budget decisions. It is also about taking actions to engage our workforce, supporters, people and families we serve, and communities to support policies and budgets that support our mission.

Vinfen works in a variety of ways as a company and with provider and advocacy organizations to shape policy and resource decisions on all levels of government.

We advocate for resources and policies supporting health, full community living, and employment for the people we serve and to support our employees who have dedicated their careers to helping people with mental health conditionsintellectual and developmental disabilitiesbrain injuries, and behavioral health challenges.

To learn more about our partners in advocacy, check out the links below.

The Association for Behavioral Healthcare (ABH) is the leading advocacy organization for mental health and addiction services in Massachusetts. Fighting for high-quality, community-based care for families and people with mental health conditions and substance use challenges, ABH provides leadership and statewide coordination on important public policy, financing, preferred clinical models, and quality assurance issues. ABH is a statewide association representing over 80 community-based mental health and addiction treatment provider organizations. Provider members serve approximately 81,000 Massachusetts residents daily and employ 37,500 people. Vinfen’s President serves on the Board of ABH (currently as Chair), and senior staff of Vinfen are active within committees and initiatives.

The Association of Developmental Disability Providers (ADDP) works to promote and ensure the strength of community-based providers and its members so they can be successful in improving the quality, access, and value of services. ADDP is committed to enhancing the political, financial, professional, and educational health of member organizations that care for people with disabilities, including developmental disabilities and brain injuries and their families. Vinfen’s President previously served on the Board of ADDP, and senior staff of Vinfen are active within committees and initiatives.

The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, Inc. is a statewide association of health and human service agencies. Known as The Providers’ Council, it is the state’s largest human service trade association and is widely recognized as the official voice of the provider industry. Vinfen’s President previously served on the Board of The Providers Council, and senior staff of Vinfen are active within committees and initiatives.

The mission of The Caring Force is to empower those who care about the human services sector to advance an agenda that creates an environment in Massachusetts that protects our most vulnerable neighbors and creates a stronger economy with the pay, recognition, and respect our workers deserve. Vinfen is proud to be a member of The Caring Force with over 1,000 of Vinfen’s staff involved in the important work that they do. We encourage anyone – individuals, parents, guardians, directors, trustees, and employees to join the movement by visiting The Caring Force website.

Vinfen actively seeks strategic partnerships and alliances. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Vinfen Vice President of Integrated Care and Innovation Kim Shellenberger at [email protected].
