Developing Skills, Reaching Goals, and Attaining Independence
Vinfen’s day services give individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities an opportunity to develop skills to achieve their goals and to attain the highest possible level of independence.
Our staff work in partnership with individuals, their families, caregivers, residential service providers, and the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to determine their needs and goals. Together we create a plan for success. Depending on a person’s specific needs, preferences, and objectives, three levels of day services are available to help each individual accomplish their goals.
Our Day Habilitation services focus on improving communication, socialization, fine-and-gross motor skills, and providing enrichment through art, music, and horticulture. Integrated occupational, physical, and speech therapy along with nursing and behavioral supports are available on-site. We also provide developmental skill training in self-care, self-preservation, self-direction, independent living skills, hygiene, grooming, and first aid. These services encourage individual growth and development. We work together with the individuals we serve and their families to set measurable goals and objectives through individualized Day Habilitation Service Plans.
Our Community-Based Day Supports provide individuals with the skills needed to grow, enhance, and maintain their abilities in personal, social, and community-based activities. The goals of Community-Based Day Supports are to provide training in everyday living skills, community access, and the opportunity for people to enrich their lives. Community-Based Day Supports provide a clearly defined path for social and vocational advancement and independence. Included in the program are employment trainings and work options to develop and foster core skills necessary for social and vocational independence. We also offer a strong behavioral component directed by specially trained support staff.
Our employment services provide individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities the support they need to develop important job skills and the job experience needed to establish their career. We provide this through community-based vocational training and employment.
For more information, visit our Employment Services page.
950 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141
Toll-free: 877-284-6336
Local: 617-441-1800
Fax: 617-441-1858
TTY/TDD: 617-225-2000
Email: [email protected]